Tips and Tricks for Freshwater Fishing

Almost every angler has some hard-earned wisdom to share. Some can be taken with a grain of salt. And some can be taken more seriously. Here are some of the latter, gathered from people who really know about fishing.
1. Bright lure fishing can attract certain fish, but the glare from the sun can blind them and cause confusion.
2. Use a dull metal fishing lure if possible, to avoid too much reflection.
3. Throw close to shore for more bites.
4. Check local fishing reports for that day for updates on the areas where they are biting.
5. Sunrise is a great time to fish, try to get out early in the morning.
6. Pay close attention to the movement of the line. Learn to understand the difference between a curious fish and one that is biting so you can hook and catch.
7. Research the region in which you fish to find out what kinds of fish live there and the things they like.
8. Be patient. Patience is really the key to good fishing. Bring a book or radio if you are going out for a long time and remember that all good things come to those who wait.
Fishing Tricks
1. Familiarize yourself with the waters in which you are fishing. If you go to one specific location more than another, find out in which areas perch tend to swim, and find out what time of day they are most frequent. Timing is everything when it comes to perch fishing.
2. Ask some experts or experienced fishermen for advice. People who have been fishing for perch for a long time will most likely have plenty of good advice to share.
3. Bait is very important. Plastic worms tend to work well, and most perch enjoy worms. Decide if live bait or plastic bait works best, depending on your personal preferences.
Eight Additional Items You Need In Your Tackle Box
You can never have enough lures. But that is not all you need in the water. Save these eight items to make your trip more productive.
1. Flashlight: It is very useful when you are out at night, essential if you are stranded and have to ask for help.
2. Adjustable Wrench: This has a wide variety of uses, from opening spool covers to tightening bolts on electric motors.
3. Pliers: Open split rings and allows you to replace hooks quickly and easily.
4. Lure Tint: You can change the tone of a lure in seconds.
5. First Aid Supplies: Don’t let a minor injury ruin your day. If you hook your hand, for example, some simple supplies will allow you to take care of this problem in the water and keep fishing.
6. New Replacement Hooks – Hooks often become blunt or damaged as they pass over rocks and gravel.
7. Replacement Shank Tips: If you have broken the rod tip, it will.
8. Glue Stick and Lighter: Use these to attach a new reed tip. Heat the glue stick with the lighter, apply the glue, then slide in the new tip.